Einladung in die Türkei

Der Europäische Volleyballverband (CEV) und die Europäische Sportjournalistenvereinigung (UEPS) laden junge KollegInnen (zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren) zum Olympia-Qualifikationsturnier in die Türkei ein. Das Turnier findet von 1. bis 5. Mai 2012 in Ankara statt, die Flug- und Hotelkosten für drei europäische JournalistInnen werden von den Veranstaltern übernommen. Nachstehend finden Sie die komplette Ausschreibung - sollten Sie Interesse haben, dieser Einladung Folge zu leisten, bitten wir um eine kurze Mail an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Dear friends,

Confédération Européenne de Volleyball (CEV) and Union Européenne de la presse sportive (UEPS) would like to invite you to the first edition of a common educational and training program whose primary aim is to educate the next generation of Volleyball reporters and photographers. Ankara will host the participants of this inaugural course through this coming May 1-5.


Training and education of the next generation of Volleyball reporters and photographers



Six participants – three from Turkey and three from abroad and whose age shall be comprised from 18 to 30 – will cover the Olympic qualification tournament taking place in Ankara. All candidates shall be young journalists who are interested in covering Volleyball events in the near future or who have already started their career in the sport by attending some previous Volleyball competitions.

Where, when
Ankara, Turkey, 2012 Olympic Games – European Qualification Tournament – Women, May 1-5, 2012

Lectures will be given by Mr. Lev Rossoshik of Russia and Mr. Predrag Milinkovic of Serbia, both UEPS members. The course will be placed under the guidance and coordination of UEPS Treasurer Murat Agca (TUR). 



The participants will cover the games and all media activities everyday following the advice of their mentors. Within 10 days after their departure they will send detailed reports to their mentors.

Accommodation Cost

Accommodation will be at “Volleyball Hotel”, right next to the “Baskent” sports hall in Ankara. The organizers will cover the accommodation costs for all participants and the flight tickets for the three participants coming from abroad.


Please send your application accompanied by a cover letter and a CV including all personal details together with a copy of your passport and press/media card to

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Deadline for application is Friday April 13, 12.00 CET.


CEV and UEPS will communicate on Tuesday April 17 the names of the candidates whose applications were finally retained.


Travel details will arranged by the organizers after April 17


CEV will take care of the accreditation for all participants

Good luck!

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